Sunday, February 16, 2020

Christmas 2019, Pg 1

CHRISTMAS SPECIAL: Iris Children & Family Support Center at Zimpeto
Sheri Graham, Missionary to Mozambique, Africa

Clinic and Community Milk Program
Thursday, December 19: Our Clinic had Christmas for the 1st ½ of the Milk Program. 2 visitors, Antony and Michelle, helped me the prior week to pack all the Christmas bags. The babies’ families were grateful to God for His provision. Baby Ilodio, with all his gifts laid out in front of him, went directly for the package of cookies! Afterward, we had our Christmas for the Clinic Team, which was full of joy and laughter! We’ve recently had a couple people leave our team, but a few new people joined. I’m blessed beyond measure to work with such a fun and committed team!

Hulene Garbage Dump

Friday, December 20: The 110 children that we minister to every week, who live at the local dump, came to Zimpeto for worship, bible lesson, and a huge lunch which included chicken. They each received a bag of new clothes, toys and food. These children are the poorest of the poor. Their parents (if they have any) make money sifting through the garbage dump to resell items. They rarely eat meat more than twice per year, which is when they come to Zimpeto for Christmas, and Children’s Day in June. The children were so grateful that they spontaneously broke out into joyful dancing, which then morphed into Mozambique’s customary Khanimambo (Thank You) dance to show their appreciation to Jesus. Pastor Sergio, who joined the dancing children, is an amazing man of God who has a huge heart for the ones that society has rejected and forgotten.

Street Ministry
Saturday, December 21: Our Street Ministry prepared and distributed 150 meals to children and their families living on the street. They enjoyed a time of worship and the Christmas message. The children received bags of clothes, toys and food. All gave praises to Jesus!

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