Tuesday, December 6, 2016


The upside of summer heat & humidity with no air conditioning, not even electricity to run a fan?
I can't tell if I'm still having hot flashes!😓

More Practical Lessons

Todays Lesson:
Don't build with Iron Eucalyptus. If someone has built with it, don't volunteer to repair it.
Yes, it's termite proof. It's also virtually nail proof!
I am so sore from repairing the Staff Quarters ceiling!

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Practical Lessons

2 new practical lessons I learned today:
1) Duct tape works better to hold bandages on children's foot wounds than any of the 10 medical tapes I've tried!
2) When I ask a few men to help me for 5-10 minutes lifting heavy items, they prefer to be tipped with a 5meticais lollipop than a 10mt tip!